E-sign agreement

Updated: November 15, 2023

We provide you with the ability to participate in financial offers from participating financial services providers and insurance providers (collectively “Providers,”), and/or receive notifications, disclosures, and/or manage your accounts, all online from the comfort of your own home by electronic means through our site (the “Platform.”) Once you become our customer, our goal is to provide you with convenient options for receiving required disclosures and for managing and administering your account. In order for us to find you certain offers from participating Providers, the participating Providers and WithClutch, Inc. must obtain your consent to respond to certain offer requests electronically (“e-consent”). In accordance with the United States Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (e-SIGN) Act, we need your consent to use electronic records and signatures and to conduct our transactions electronically. By signing up, clicking “Let’s Get Started,” or by requesting a Transaction on the Clutch Platform, you acknowledge that you have received these e-consent terms and that you consent to conduct these transactions using electronic communications. You should read this consent and policy (“Policy”) carefully and print them for future reference.


a.) “Clutch”, “We,” “us,” “our,” and “Company” means WithClutch, Inc., and future affiliates. b.) “You” and “your” means the person giving this consent, and also each additional account owner, authorized signer, authorized representative, and/or service user identified on any Company account, product, or service that you apply for, administer, use, or access. c.) “Transaction” means each and every account, product, or service we provide or offer through our Providers that you apply for, own, use, administer, or access, either now or in the future, and includes without limitation, (i) a loan or the refinance of a loan secured by a vehicle title (ii) a loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle or other mode of transportation and ; (iii) any other account or financial product offered on the Platform through our Providers. d.) “Electronic Records” means all documents, contracts, or other records created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means, whether via the internet, this website, email, messaging services, including text messaging, and/or software applications, related to any product, service, or account you obtain, apply for, use, administer, or access through us, either now or in the future, including, but not limited to: (i) all documents related to obtaining a loan, the refinance of a loan secured by a vehicle title, or opening an account or applying for any other product on the Clutch platform, including, but not limited to your credit application, promissory note and security agreement, government agency forms and disclosures, consumer disclosures, payment authorizations, account or billing statements, and privacy policies, (ii) certain written notices, disclosures, agreements, fee schedules, statements, records, documents, and other information we provide to you, or that you sign or submit or agree to at our request, and (iii) any other information, records, and/or Communications regarding your transactions with us, “Electronic Signature” means an electronic process or symbol, attached to or implemented in a document, contract, or other Electronic Record or Communication and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record. e.) “Communications” means each notice, disclosure, agreement, acknowledgement, consent, statement, record, document, and other information we provide to you, or that you sign or submit or agree to at our request.


a. By giving your consent through clicking and accepting this Policy or by clicking “Let’s Get Started,”, you agree to conduct all Transactions with us through the use of Electronic Signatures, including through a vendor like Docusign, which may consist of clicking buttons, checking boxes, or other industry-accepted practices and processes implemented by us or our third-party vendor. You further acknowledge that you can access and read this Policy. You can print on paper the disclosure, or save or send the disclosure to a place where you can print it, for future reference and access. In our sole discretion, the Communications we provide to you, or that you sign or agree to at our request as part of our Transactions with you, may be in electronic form, and you may be required to use Electronic Signatures for us to obtain Communications from you. You agree to the use of such Electronic Signatures and Electronic Records. We may provide Electronic Records to you via posting them online on this website, email attachments, embedded links, messaging services, including text messaging, and/or software applications. This policy applies to all online interactions concerning your offer requests, applying for and opening accounts, and includes interactions engaged in on any computer, mobile device or tablet. Participating Providers may send you notices electronically related to your offer requests. You agree that your consent will remain in effect until you give us notice that you are withdrawing it.b. Please note that if you do not consent to the use of Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures (or withdraw your consent), you may not be able to complete certain Transactions with us, including obtaining a loan or opening an account through participating Providers or financial institutions online.c. We may always, in our sole discretion, provide you with any Communication in writing, even if you have chosen to receive it electronically. Certain Communications will be required by law to be provided on paper. Please note that sometimes you may be required to provide us a Communication through a paper writing.d. By providing your consent, you are also confirming that you have the hardware and software described below, that you are able to receive and review Electronic Records, and that you have an active email account. You are also confirming that you are authorized to, and do, consent on behalf of all other authorized signers, authorized representatives, and/or service users identified by you.


a. If we provide to you Electronic Records, you have the option to receive paper copies. To obtain a paper copy, you can print out a copy from your computer, or you may request a paper version by emailing us at legal@withclutch.com. We may charge, and you may have to pay, a reasonable service fee for the paper copy except as prohibited by applicable law. Requesting a paper copy in itself will not be a withdrawal of your consent. Your consent will remain in effect until you give us notice that you are withdrawing it.


a. You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing us a legal@withclutch.com. You will not be charged any fees for withdrawing your consent. Your withdrawal of consent will become effective after we have had a reasonable opportunity to act upon it. However, each Transaction using the Clutch platform is considered a one-time transaction. Thus, each time you request a Transaction on the Clutch Platform, you are again consenting to this Policy.


To access and retain the Electronic Communications, you will need a device capable of accessing the Internet, access to an e-mail account and an internet browser that supports 128-bit encryption. To read certain documents, you may also need a PDF file reader like Adobe® Acrobat Reader. To retain a copy of Electronic Communications for future reference, you will need a printer or a storage device with sufficient space, such as your computer’s disk drive. You may send any questions regarding the hardware and software requirements directly to the participating Providers.


a.i. To confirm to us that you can access this information electronically, which will be similar to other electronic notices and disclosures that we will provide to you, please verify that you were able to read this electronic disclosure and that you also were able to print on paper or electronically save this page for your future reference and access or that you were able to e-mail this disclosure and consent to an address where you will be able to print on paper or save it for your future reference and access. Further, if you consent to receiving notices and disclosures exclusively in electronic format on the terms and conditions described above, please let us know by clicking the “Let’s Get Started” button or by requesting a Transaction through the Clutch platform.ii. By clicking “Let’s Get Started” or by requesting a Transaction through the Clutch Platform, you are confirming that: i.) You can access and read this Electronic Transactions, Records, and Signatures Consent and Policy; and ii.) You can print on paper the disclosure or save or send the disclosure to a place where you can print it, for future reference and access; and iii.) Until or unless you notify us as described above, you consent to receive all notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you by us during the course of your relationship exclusively through electronic means.